Intensive Care or Critical Care refers to the special treatment given to patients who suffer from a serious medical problem. Patients with a variety of medical illnesses are cared for by highly trained intensivists, medical officers and critical care registered nurses who provide around the clock care. Patients receive high-quality care supported by state of the art equipment.
Who is cared for in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU)?
Many different types of patients are admitted to the ICU. Some come from the Emergency Department, some from other wards within the hospital because of complications from their illness. While there are many different types of patients in the ICU they all need the same thing – constant observation and specialised care.
Who are all these people working in the ICU?
There are highly trained doctors, nurses and other health care professionals working in ICU. Among the many people you will see is the intensivist (a specialist doctor in ICU). A critical care nurse is usually assigned to care for one or two patients at a time and has constant access to information about the patient.
Physiotherapists provide respiratory care and help the patient recover smoothly. Social workers can help with care for family members, discuss financial resources and assist in making plans for the future care of your family member or friend after leaving the ICU.
Dietitians ensure the patient is getting all their nutritional requirements. Pharmacists provide medicines and provide the ICU team with detailed information and instructions on the medicines.
Who can find out how the patient is?
Privacy is always maintained concerning the care of the patient. Information is given only to the immediate family members and other enquirers are directed to the family.
Who and when can we visit our friend/family member?
Visiting is restricted to immediate family members only, however if the family wishes other people to visit the patient, please speak to the nurse first. Visiting hours for the Hospital Department Unit are the same as the hospital visiting hours, however ICU patients may have immediate family visit at anytime. Please do not bring children without speaking to the nurse first.